SARA Advocates are specially trained to support survivors and their friends and loved ones through the challenges that follow experiences of sexual violence. The first step to receiving Support Services at SARA is to meet with an advocate so that we can understand your goals and determine the best way to support you. Many people who receive advocacy services at SARA will also pursue therapy with our therapists. Together, our advocates and therapists work as a team to walk with survivors through the healing process.
Based on what you need, our Advocates can provide:
Emotional Support: As you are processing your experience, they will listen and provide a knowledgeable, supportive presence.
Legal Accompaniment (if applicable): We do not provide legal advocates, as most of our clients will be represented by a Commonwealth’s Attorney through the state of Virginia. However, our advocates can help prepare survivors for the legal process and will accompany survivors to police interviews and court appearances if requested.
Case management: As need arises, advocates problem-solve with their clients and make connections with local resources.
Referrals to Therapy: Prospective therapy clients meet with a SARA advocate before being referred to SARA’s therapists. This gives our staff an opportunity to gain a better understanding of your needs. Advocates provide referrals to therapists outside of SARA when appropriate.
Our advocates can sometimes arrange to meet with clients outside of our office, in particular to service clients who live in Charlottesville’s surrounding counties in our service area (Albemarle, Louisa, Nelson, Greene and Fluvanna).
To make an appointment with a SARA Advocate, please call our office at 434-295-7273.