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Looking for a rewarding job in Charlottesville? You are in the right place.


The Sexual Assault Resource Agency is an equal opportunity employer committed to creating and sustaining a culture where all people are treated with dignity and respect. We seek a diverse pool of candidates for each position. Thank you for your interest in joining our team!

Open Positions in Charlottesville, VA


No open positions at this time.​




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Employment Benefits

Benefits Plan

SARA offers health and dental benefits paid by the agency, paid annual leave, holidays, sick leave, an employee assistance program, and other benefits. New employees are eligible for annual health and ancillary benefits at the onset of employment and will be enrolled within 30 days of their start date.


Annual Leave

Full-time employees are eligible for paid vacation which accrues at 8 hours a month for vacation; this equals 12 annual vacation days. Annual Leave is accrued as follows for full-time employees, beginning on the first day of employment. Each employee begins with 24 hours of advanced annual leave to use within the first 90 days of employment.


1 year: 12 days (8 hours/month) 

2—4 years: 18 days (12 hours/month) 

5+ years: 21 days (14 hours/month) 



The SARA Office is closed for 12 federal and state holidays.  All employees receive paid time off for those 14 days including New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, President's Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (2 days), Winter Holiday (last week of December). 


Sick Leave​

Sick leave is accrued at a rate of 18 days per year. Each employee begins with 24 hours of sick leave advanced for the first 90 days of employment. Sick leave accrues at 6 hours per pay period following the first 90 days of employment.  


Sick leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of 25 working days to be used in case of a medical emergency.   Any unused sick leave over 25 days will be forfeited at the end of the fiscal year.  


Addition Leave Benefits

Medical and Family Leave benefits may be requested. Details are outlined in personnel policies. 



All full-time employees are eligible to enroll in the SARA-sponsored retirement plan upon completing one year of full-time employment. The agency contributes a 3% match of employee's salary toward retirement plans. Employees may choose to contribute to their plan as well. Employees will be provided with enrollment information 30 days prior to eligibility and must complete and submit the enrollment paperwork prior to the start of this benefit. 

About SARA

The mission of the Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) is to eliminate sexual violence and its impact by providing education, advocacy and support to all individuals.


Our vision is a community free from sexual violence.

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Service Area

We are located in Charlottesville, Virginia and serve:

  • City of Charlottesville

  • Albemarle County

  • Fluvanna County

  • Greene County

  • Louisa County

  • Nelson County

Contact SARA

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  • Office phone
  • Email Address

 Charlottesville, Virginia

 24-Hour Hotline: 434-977-7273
      Hotline Disclosure



Office: 434-295-7273




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