Dear Survivors,
Last Wednesday while at a conference, I watched the sun rise over the ocean (pictured). The crashing waves seemed to echo our deeply polarized world anticipating change. The expansive horizon reminded me of how small I am as an individual, and how meaningful change is when we come together as collectives and as movements.
Many communities are immersed in increasingly isolating and intersecting violence – women, children, people of color, people of expansive genders and sexualities, immigrants, refugees, asylees...there are many more, all deserving to be named and seen. Within each community there are survivors of violence.
If you are feeling triggered by the election - we see you, we believe you, and we are here for you.
The work we do is, and will continue to be, centered far beyond a bipartisan political system. Our work centers survivors - for survivors, by survivors, with survivors. Each of you is a sacred source of hope and healing.
We need each other in this movement to create communities free from sexual violence at all its intersections. There is much work to be done, joys to savor, tears to shed. May you find space for it all.
In Solidarity,